I am learning I cannot say NO to sugar completely. So... to understand what it means to me.. its like this:
Let's pretend: You are an alcoholic. Addicted to alcohol... you stop alcohol but realize for your health that you must drink a small amount of alchohol daily to be healthy. The same could be said for smoking.. you are smoker.. you quit smoking but your health requires you take 2 puffs a day.... and only 2 in order to be healthy.
How much fun would THAT be?
I am a sugarholic. The issues I have with sugar and what it has done to me and my life is a long list. I am now in what I could call sugar remission. I am no longer craving sugary things like I use too... sugar no longer holds power over my life, except for one thing.
If I dont eat sugar I feel like crap.
If i eat too much sugar... guess what.... I feel like crap.
Its like my body is in constent teeter-tater-ness. Slap on the emotional connects I use to have with sugars and the thoughts in the back of my mind of what if??? and .... well...
Its just not much fun.
So.. ... Hypoglycemia is the life for me. Finding my balance and sticking with it. Its not easy. You see.... depending on my activity level, and what I eat.... its a constant balancing act. What I ate yesterday might have worked great... but might not work tomorrow.. depending on my activity level.
FRUSTRATING isnt a big enough word for how it makes me feel.
Here is an example... today I worked out in the gym, ran 2.5 miles .. before I ran i had a small glass of gatoraide (to balance my need for salt and sugar while i went for my run and since I just got all sweaty from lifting weights)
Later at home.. I ate breakfast (three peices of french toast made with wheat bread, blueberrys, almonds and a tad of redi whip on top)
I havent had much energy so ......
later for lunch I had:
Left over speghetti with wheat pasta (not much) and zuchinni and 2 pieces of wheat toast....
After I ate I still didnt feel good.
when I say I dont feel good.. I mean I feel like I am not completely awake (its the only way I can describe it)
So... I figured out how much sugar I had taken in for breakfast and lunch...
it wasnt that much....
I then ate a cookie my daughter had made (which i really didnt want it and it didnt taste good but I could tell my blood sugar was low)..
within minutes of eating my first bite of cookie I felt sooo much better!
Now.. the challenge comes in finding, keeping on hand and using the RIGHT KINDS of sugar during and after my meals.
I refuse to be an addict and revert back to my old ways... cause.. well. I felt like crap then.
For today I will eat every 3 hours, make sure I get my fruits in.
.....as far as the cookies.... well... i will let someone else have the rest.
It did its job so now i can have the energy i need go clean my closet out!
So .. heres to being an addict deep down inside and still being required to eat the substance your addicted to every day!
Sound fun doesnt it!