Exciting News!

Two mile run this morning in 58 degree weather! First real "run" since my half on Friday and Vacation. It was hard getting up and out but once out I didnt want to come back LOL. Co-op was today so I got to enjoy Picasso and lots of fun with those great kidos.

I plan on a 4 mile run tomorrow morning followed by weight lifting :)

you wondering what the Exciting News is??

well.. I officially have my study materials for my personal trainer certification. I will start this weekend getting going on studying and hope to test on it in a few weeks! I am sooo excited! but have been soooo busy that I havent even had time to sit and write about it all !!!

Once I get my certification I would LOVE to build a website with interactive support and encouragement  as well as do training locally! I cannot wait to see what God has planned!

I have some great stories, and things I want to blog about but good grief.. time is flying and I MUST get ready to coach those kids in 30 mins! :)

Gotta Run!

I leave you with my newest, favoriest song! :) hehe.... THIS  IS AN AWESOME SONG and will be my new THEME SONG for quite a while. I plan on getting a video done with the gals who have and are training in my half marathon group to go along with this song!!!!


Amy said…
Congratulations! that is so neat that you are going to get your trainer certification - you will be great at motivating others!