What a great morning I had. Its so amazing when something you use to force yourself to do, has transformed into something you cherish and enjoy.
I am so baffled and interested in what the mind, soul, and body go through and how running can transform each part. People can call me "crazy" or "fanatical" or "she's one of THOSE kind of exercise freaks" and ... its OK. I will not stop "preaching" because I want everyone to know what its like. I want other women, moms, sisters, and grandmothers to understand that life isnt over when you have kids, life isnt over when it doesn't turn out the way you had planned. So many things in my life I thought would be different. I was so misserable for so long. Frustrated, trapped, alone, and wishing things were different.
I wanted to be strong, and fit from the time I came out of the womb. The youngest of four has to either get strong or get run over. (dont get me wrong... my siblings were great ... yeah.. i still had to fight for daddy's chair, and always tried to get the first helping of french fries but more often than not we stuck together. :) But I think the 4th child just has a natural " I wanna be like YOU and YOU and YOU" syndrom. I wanted to be 6 when I was 4. I wanted to be 20 when I was 10. (you get the picture).
Through life I learned quickly that I loved living more when I was strong physically. I might not be the smartest in my class but I was very close to the quickest. I might not be the prettiest but the boys respected me cause I could kick there butts (LOL) ... So in my book being strong was just what I was.
And then, being a working wife and mom hit me. When i was a kid I didnt "dream" of being a full time working mom who was stressed to the hilt, felt pulled in 40 thousand directions and never able to get off the hamster wheel that was my life. What had I become? Life slowly turned me into a weak, soft, blob living with physical pain everyday.
And so the story goes. The ups and downs. The starting and stopping. Size 18 size 6... sit, eat, repeat.
So there I was this morning. Running round and round and round the track while kids on the team ran 6 and 8 and 12 laps. 6am, music blasting and there I was running and LOVING IT!
I thought... its like dancing to me. JOY FUN WOW
3 miles. drippin sweat..... pausing to yell and encourage the kids as they just kept going and going. How inspiring! What a great morning!