Well, I have managed to find and run in matching shoes the last few days! Go ME! woowhoo!
On the workout front I had a busy weekend... but workout filled. Our track team had a info booth at a back 2 school event for our local homeschool group. We also did 3 workouts with kids at the event, aerobics (dancing) ha... the workouts were great fun and was such a blast to see all the smiles on the kids faces as we jumped and rocked out some sweat! Above is a photo and some of the kidos..that was in our local paper.... Coach Art in full swing.. I was on the back side of the camera (thankgoodness!) and was the Cool Runnings DJ for the event LOL.
I rested Sunday.... including a 2.4 hour nap! Woowhoo!
today was 2 hours of coaching and a bit of running with the kidos. I plan on doing a run in the am.... planning on 8 miler.. but will see how i feel :)
Thats it for tonight.. I am bummed about Josha who fell on a hike yesterday and is unable to run for a while :(
but happy my friend in China is doing great and back at it on the treadmill and inspiring other gals to do the pushup challenge! woowhooo! Also excited about all the gang that is still working towards the half! got great reports back from most of the participants today! what a JOY! woowhoo!
I have lots more to say.. but no time.. kitchen to clean, kids to get in bed :)