The week off from running was not what I wanted... but in many ways it was something I needed.
All last week I just felt off. Something just wasnt right. The first two days I was craving sugar, and carbs and just wanting to watch tv and eat. THIS was exactly the way I handle stressful situations in my life before. What was different this time is I KNEW why i was doing what I was doing. I was going to food for energy, for stress relief and relaxation. You see..... BEFORE ....FOOD was my best friend. Food was my pick me up. It scared me a bit... you know my story of starting over.....and all addicts fear that they will revert to their old ways. I wondered.....what if this is it? what if this is the beginning of months of not being able to run. What in the world would I do with myself?
I realized this week that my life is totally different than it use to be. You see...those two days taught me that now my life is not about food being my best friend anymore.......running is. Now, I go to RUN for energy, relaxation and stress relief. Move over Food.. i got a new BFF!
Did you have a best friend in jr high or elementary school? Ever had to go to school for a few days and your BF wasnt there? I remember feeling a bit lost, the sparkle in the day had left, school seemed to just drag. I made it through the days fine.. but it was just less fun cause you didnt have your BF to share it with. the Joy was gone.
This past week .......I felt like my best friend was on vacation. My days were ok....but just didnt have that sparkly, that energy and joy that a best friend brings to your life.
But woowhooooo!!!!!......
this morning I got to be with my best friend again :) I got to go for a 4 miler before 6am. I WAS SOOO HAPPY! I loved it. I had missed it so very much!!!
I never knew the simple act of running could change my world in sooo many ways. I never knew that God could use running to change my life. Its so simple, its so pure, its so much more than most people realize. Running has allowed me to be me. Running has giving me the confidence, passion, determinate and motivation to be more, do more, and set the bar higher in my life. I sure hope running never takes another vacation in my life.....but when it does.... I hope I realize what I am missing.
Running and Ruthie best friends forever! :) '
(4 miles plush 70 pushups done!)
a lesson in patience and pressing on. a lesson in overcoming. you are victorious. victory is yours!
I hope one day I can get back to feeling that way about running!
Running changes your soul. It changes who we are. I love it for its simplicity, how God speaks through it.
Never in a million years did I think I...me, always the cover for for Couch Potato Living, would arrive at place such as this.
Life is good.