I like this video... I think its funny.... I totally get it....
it also makes me sad. Sad because what the message of the video is that what's done is done and nothing can change that. Love yourself as you are and stop thinking about trying to improve your physical body. You are old, chubby and well, its just too late... so you just have to settle.
My view is different. My view is that we don't have to settle.
"You look younger every time I see you" --that's what he said. It definitely took me off guard. There I was in my Sunday dress with my hot cup of tea in my hand, fixing to return to Bible class.
I thought WOW what a nice thing to say! What a blessing. I use to believe that my 40s 50s and 60s were doomed to go down hill! I just knew that when I hit the big 40 that things would start falling apart and I would have this snowball effect mentally, physically, and spiritually. I mean, come on... life after 40 was a world I didnt want to have any part of. My 20s and 30s were bad enough I sure didn't think it would really get any better. Another year older, another wrinkle; another year older, another 10lbs; another year older and another set of medical bills.
So why is it that our society believes the older you get the worse you should look and feel? Is that what God created? Look at trees, the older they are, the more beautiful. It seems God created plants and animals on this earth to live full lives until they become very very old, weak, and die. My partents just had to put down their dog who was almost 14 years old. In human years that would be 98 year old! What is surprising is that just until about a year ago, "Baux the wonder dog", as my daddy would call him, was still running and playing fetch with my kids, still had a sparkle in his eye and a wag in his tail.
Please, don't misunderstand me here. I am NOT saying I expect to be in top physical shape, running marathons when I am in my 90s. But what I am saying is that I do expect my life up until the end to be energy filled and active.
Society has sold us a bill of goods. For a very long time I believed it. Pop a pill for pain of any kind, (indigestion, headaches, stomach aches, acne, arthritis etc) eat what you want because it has not real effect on your body, and being fit and energetic is for the young. What a bunch of lies!
Did God create us to be miserable until he comes back to get us?
What does he expect of us in regards to the physical bodies he has given us?
Most of us are in a society where 99% of people are living blind to the fact that their ill spiritual, mental and physical health is of their own doing.
I challenge anyone to find an illness or disease that isnt effected by what we eat. I have yet to find an illness or disease where changes in diet aren't suggested. (now, I am not saying food is the end all be all cure... but I do believe it closely effects illness and disease) The food we put in our mouths has an effect on our mind, body and spirit. The levels of stress we allow in our lives has an effect on our mind, body, and spirit. People do NOT want to hear that the reason they feel so bad is because of the life they are living. They do NOT want to hear that over eating is sinful. They do not want to hear that Food, and their relationship with is can be linked to depression, diabetes, fits of rage, and lack of concentration.
I know they dont want to hear it because I lived it. I lived a life where food was a powerful force. It effected my moods, my energy, my appetite, my thoughts, my ability to concentrate, to sleep, and to care for myself and my family. I was settling. I thought that is just the way life was suppose to be. I was sold a bill of goods and I believed it.
Why do we settle for just ok. Why are we so scared?
We are all trying to keep our heads above water in a world that is flooded with the idea that getting old means getting sick, living with a body that is worn out and hurting, and popping pills to fix it all. There is little hope.
I sure hope I do not offend anyone here.. I am trying to wrestle with the thoughts in my head as to why in the world people would just roll over and give up!
This is a battle of the physical kind for the spiritual kind. Might I suggest for just a minute... that the devil is alive and well. What then, would you say if I told you I believe that the devil can use food to numb out the Body of Christ? Does the devil want the Body of Christ that is full of energy and living until they are in their 100s? NO! Does he want Christians to be physically fit, energetic, happy, positive, and filled with joy? NO!!!! Does he want Christians to LOVE THEIR LIFE IN CHRIST??? NOOOOO!
Jesus was tempted with food, wasn't he?
"Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.The devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread." Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone." Luke 4:1-4
Why did I think I was any different?
I am not saying that food is evil. I am not saying if you eat ice cream you are sinning. I know for me and my walk in this life I have come to a realization that just as the devil can use food to sicken, distroy and harm, GOD can use it bring healing.
My journey out of sugar addiction and all the issues that went along with it has taught me a lot. Mostly, to be thankful for the amazing power of God love and patience for me. We shouldn't live a life beating ourselves up and 'settling'. We should use the power of the Spirit to renew our Minds and heal our Bodies. We are three parts of one whole.
We cannot hide who we are. Our bodies, minds and spirits are but a reflection of who we truely are. I believe God wants you to experience JOY and HAPPINESS in this life. Our treasures are stored in Heaven, for sure, but that doesnt mean we should sit in missery and self pity while we wait. People are hurting, people are dying, people are lost and so sad.......YOUR LIFE can have an impact. Your simple, "but i am just ME" life can effect the sad, lonely people you come in contact everyday. God has given you the power to be who he created you to be... a LIGHT in the WORLD OF DARKNESS! Its about hope. It's about grace. It's about not settling.
Oh sure, you might agree that "you should have put some cream on it" but just because you didnt doesn't mean you cannot look and feel younger!
"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let
God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.
Then you will learn to know
God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."
Romans 12:2
Love this and totally needed to read it. Thank you.