All my life running was something i made myself do. Something that was meant as a means to a different end. To get in shape for Softball, to fit into that dress, or to look good for vacation. I never ran to just.....run. I never considered it a "real" sport... ... i was uneducated and just thought runners were crazy people with nothing better to do. I really thought most distance runners had issues with eating disorders and were just running to be skinny. Why would anyone EVER want to run longer than 2 miles?
Wow... was I ever wrong!
To experience JOY while running and afterward is a weird but very nice experience for me. I am now educated in the ways of running, the mental, spiritual and physical discipline that comes along with running. Next to childbirth its the only experience in life I have come across that has pushed me beyond, made me stronger and feel such a sense of JOY!
Why is running taken so lightly. Why do parents not see the benefits of running for thier children? Why do parents feel the need to over extend thier children? Now, dont get me wrong. I love sports. I was a ball player until i graduated highschool. But softball was MY sport. I excelled at it. I focused on that sport and could have gone to A&M and played in college if I chose too. What I am saying here is.... there are some kids who have great potential in running. They play soccer, do cheerleading, dance, do volleyball, basketball, basketball tennis, football, .. you name it.. if its a sport and its in season the vast majority of parents sign the kids up. Kids go from on sport to the next, all the while... they dont understand why their kids are not excelling. They think injury is just part of the game.
I WISH parents would educate themselves at what they are really doing to their children. OVER TRAINING!
I have seen it in the short period I have been coaching. Over the past year several young runners begin to improve, winning races, medals. ... and as the season goes by they stop coming to practice... focusing instead on a different sport. 6 to 8 weeks later they show back up at practice and the kids are frustrated cause they cant run like they use to. They complain about knee and ankle injuries.
You see, running is not like any other sport. ITS A PROCESS. To improve you have to be consistent and dedicated and you cannot over train.
The JOY of running is something I dream of sharing with my kids. Its NOT about winning races, its NOT about being better than their friends. Its about building thier confidence, its about their mental toughness, its about doing THEIR best and not worrying what anyone else says or does. Its about finding JOY in the work that is becoming a runner.

(ok.. sorry for that rant... ) ha
so.. this morning I slept in until 715am! woowhoo! then started breakfast for my daughter to finish up.... then headed out for a run
I planned on a hour or 2 and was just going to play it by ear and see how my legs felt.
I did a bit over 7 miles... I took it easy and enjoyed a nice slower pace. By the time I was done... I was DRENCHED in sweat.....it was 85 degrees when I left.. and of course just got hotter and hotter as time went by.
2 runners highs... I kept myself from running full force through those.. made myself hold back and stay at pace.
My new shoes I bought a while ago... were great! This is the longest distance I have taken them on.. and I really havent liked them that much (dispite the high price tag)... but after talking to Lydia (the gal that runs the running store) she said this shoe has a cushioning in it that gets more and more squishy as you pound it. SO. the longer I run... the more the shoe cushioned me. I loved it! Now, I am not saying I am giving up the Ghost LOL... but Glycerin is definitely a fav too!
ok.. so I finally took the plunge an bought the JUNO. by moving comfort. My other one is by moving comfort too.. this one is racer back.... I hope I like it. 50 bucks for a running bra is ... well... yikes.
on that note. .this morning I sweated soo much again that I go runner rub underneith on the rib cage :( ugh.. when will I learn.... its hot, know you going to sweat... get greased up! ha
tomorrow is track meet.. so no post tomorrow... Yall have a great weekend! I think next weekend will be a 10miler... but i need to get my marathon training schedule figured out today ! I am doing a full marathon to celebrate my 42nd birthday :) in September!
Thanks for being so transparent and an inspiration to other women/wives/moms. Even though I'm a non-blogger, I love reading about your "adventures" and discoveries every day. Thank you and God bless ya!!! :)