wow. what a GREAT morning! the only bad thing is I didnt start early enough to get in a longer run :( I would have done a 8 miler if I had the time... it was THAT NICE outside this morning!
Low 70s and a gentle breeze blowing, I ran 2 miles and then came home, made sure the kids were up and then headed to the garage. I did incline situps and then grabbed the exercise ball and headed to the drive way. It was dark, the moon still high in the sky and the stars were AMAZING!
I know.. i am sure I looked funny doing abwork on a ball in my driveway... but ... everyone else in the world was asleep :)
I would do a set and just lay on the ball and stare at the moon and stars. It. Was. breathtaking!
Why would I choose NOT to start my day this way? wow.
after the abs I did dips... you know, where you put your hands on a chair and dip your body down to the ground? working those triceps. I was sooooo surprised I could do 20 in a row! I havent lifted weights or done dips in MONTHS. Pushups work so well! woowhoo! So I did a set of 20, then 15, then 12. yikes.
At track practice I tried to do pushups but my arms were shot! I could only manage 10 LOL.
I am still having doubts about training for a full. After my 16 miler I felt great physically... then later that evening my hip started hurting. I KNOW its because I didnt stretch good enough (as I was rushing to make it to church on time).......It doesnt hurt when I run... just when I am done. It has done this before and i know it's just because of the mileage and not stretching :)
What is funny is how the mental part of marathoning effects us. The yes I am doing this, the no i am not, the I think I am crazy, and what if I dont make it. THATS the challenge isnt it? That's the pull for some of us. To challenge our mind, body and soul.... not many things in this life do that.
so, I am left with sticking to the plan, taking it one day at a time and really looking forward to the 10miler this weekend :) Nice, relaxing and just plan fun.