2, 4, 6, 8....10 miler.. not so great.

I slept in. It was nice. I didnt get out of the house for my run until after 730am. It was hot already.
I ran a bit, stopped and talked a bit and ran. I ended up running out of time. had to be back here at 9am .....

so.. 10 turned into 6... which is fine. I need the rest and don't want to push it anyway...
.. 18 miler this coming weekend YIKES

My ITband is still bothering me. I have had this issue before.. i know it will be ok... but its annoying. I have NO pain while I am running-walking. But sitting and walking afterward there is pain. I will be icing, and stretching, and resting... taking it nice and easy on my runs this week so hopefully i can make it through 18.

now, nap time :) Rest. Is. Good.


Jae said…
You should use my coach, WiseCoachGirl. She's awesome. Great athelete, gentle with others, not too pushy but sets realistic expectations. She had business cards made and gave me some...I'll give you one too.

You both would really get along.
She'd say 'it's okay' ... and besides, we all get to start over tomorrow. :)