my plan said to do 5 400 meter sprints... well.. I didnt want to go to the track all alone... so i ran around campus and just ran what I figured was close to 400 meters. Well... I started out really well... and at the end... i was only going about 200 meters before walking. The Plan said to do 5k pace .. but I couldnt resist just RUNNNNNNING as fast as i could! .. until I was going to pass out!
so.. I ended up doing 6 sprints .. the first 3 were close to 400 meters...
I ran so hard i got a side stitch... which is goooooood.. means I pushed it a bit :)
I came home and did ab work... 40 incline sit ups, followed by 40 leg lifts, followed by 8 minutes

i will do pushups later tonight. but if i am just too exhausted ... i will save those for tomorrow...