I LOVE running in the rain! I do .. I really really do... I mean.. I LOVE running.. and then to add rain to it... wow! Its almost as good as running in the snow .. it MIGHT be a tie in my book... but i think i like ran better cause its warm and cool at the same time :)
did close to 3 miles tonight which is what i am spose to do.. jogged a bit with the kids at track (about 10 mins) and then after track came home really fast and dropped the kids off with Daddy and left to try to run in the rain. It rained wonderfully on us during track practice.. but once i got home and back out.. it had stopped.. I did have fun in the puddles though :)
good grief.... i still step back and think "what is this thing i have become"... I use to use every excuse... too hot, too cold, too wet, to windy..... but now that i love running for running and not because I want to "get skinny" now that I love it for my metal and spiritual wellbeing and not just because my clothes are tight, now that I love it.... just to love the sport for the pure natural wonderful thing it is...... its a different beast. Its my pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Its my happy place. Its my fun. Its my shopping, my donuts, my large coke and popcorn at the movies, its my perfect fitting pair of jeans. its my massage, my pedicure, and my vacation. It's my new car, my perfectly fitting new dress with the perfect 6 inch heals. Its my joy. Its my place to worship, my place to scream and to be silent, to say thanks, to say hello, to wonder, to ponder. Its me.. and its not. Its a strange and yet perfectly normal feeling. Getting comfy with my inner runner self is a place i never thought I would be. I have become on of "THOSE" people. those people I always thought were crazy.
i am crazy.
life is GOOD!
Would love to run in the snow this coming winter. :)
And like you, I just like running for running's sake. Not because I want to be skinny or fit in some clothes. I feel clean, fit, happy, satisfied, strong, balanced when I run.