OK.. first progress photos:
April 2010 (today)
And below... the photos that help me remember... the pain, the depression, the lack of energy... these photos i am thankful for... because they now seem so very far way and that person no longer exists! woooowhooo!

Had an "ok" run this morning and on that run it got me thinking.... Although I am a "runner", not all runs are created equal.
this morning I did 3 miles .... got some water and did 100 incline sit ups in sets of 15 and 10... I am sore from my 100 push ups on Saturday.. so i did about 6 push ups this morning to just work a bit of the soreness out :)
on side note.. my daughter and I did go for a run while were camping this weekend... I forgot my camera.. but it was beautiful. here are a few pictures from our trip :)

this is a trail we hiked, it shows how the trees hang over the roads... i love it ! :)
I took a Bicep Challenge photo... click HERE to view the progress :)

And below... the photos that help me remember... the pain, the depression, the lack of energy... these photos i am thankful for... because they now seem so very far way and that person no longer exists! woooowhooo!

- there is the " I didn't eat well yesterday (a freeday), why do i feel so sluggish" run (that was this morning)
- there is the "I am stressed out dont look at me or say hello, I am de-stressing here.. can't you see it falling on the ground?" run
- there is the "I feel GREAT I could run forever, so glad I have been eating great lately" run
- there is the "I can't relax cause I have to be somewhere after hurry up and get it over with" run
- there is the "I wish I had a running partner to talk to" run.
- there is "the song on the ipod is NEVER right, and wish i had another list" run
- there is "i loving running without my ipod run and listening to the birds and dogs bark" run
- there is the "I loving being alone with my thoughts and not having to talk to anyone" run
- there is the "I cant believe I feel so slow and fat" and the "I can't believe i feel so lean and and strong" run
- there is the "I wore too many clothes run, where I spend a lot of time taking off and tying around my waist many layers of clothes and wonder how silly i look" run
this morning I did 3 miles .... got some water and did 100 incline sit ups in sets of 15 and 10... I am sore from my 100 push ups on Saturday.. so i did about 6 push ups this morning to just work a bit of the soreness out :)

this is a trail we hiked, it shows how the trees hang over the roads... i love it ! :)
I took a Bicep Challenge photo... click HERE to view the progress :)