Got to go out to eat with some of the girls who finished their half marathons :) Love the shirt they signed for me :) gonna frame it and hang it in my workout garage :)
I am THRILLED to be coaching some wonderful people for the up coming Freedom Half on July 3rd. I am sooo happy so many have joined up and have committed to training!
I am THRILLED that I help coach Cool Runnings and help encourage kids to do more than they thought possible.
I am THRILLED I homeschool and LOVE schooling my kids and teaching at the Co-op one day a week..
I am soooooooo happy i am able to be a stay at home mom and although the sacrifices in some areas are hard the rewards in all other areas are so worth it! You see, we are here most of the day, as a result we continually make messes and have to clean them up.. housework is non stop and i do get behind.. i am not the best housekeeper i tend to put many other things before the dirty windows... but i do have my moments when i want a tidy house........
There has been a transition going on for me over the past few months.. ... I am no longer focused on just MY fitness and MY training. Now I have the joy of watching others train and become fit. What is happening is a GREAT thing for sure... and the dream of coaching others is becoming reality.
I need to just sit and get comfortable with my spot. I believe God has put me in this possition for a reason and I cannot wait to see the blessings that come from it!
With alllll that said.... What I am finding interesting is that I am less excited about my own training and MORE excited about everyone elses! I have lost a bit of the edge of my "hurrah for ME" focus and havent found too much to get excited about lately (except of course for that AMAZING 6 miler i ran the other day)......I am use to ebs and flows when it comes to my training and my fitness and think part of that is totally natural and part if is healthy mentally and physically.
But .. ,I am here to say that TODAY I have made another commitment to MY FITNESS.
I have chosen to do THIS training plan which does a few things for me. 1. it increases how many days per week i run (from 4 to 5) and it is more focused and "trackish" than what I have done before. I look at it and hope it will help increase my endurance and speed... you know secretly i have a dream of winning my age division in a 5k race..... (but dont tell anyone) ...
so... I will begin this training on Monday and will complete another half in July (probably a day or two before my groups half marathon on July 3rd) .... There is a full marathon coming up in October here locally and I will also travel to San Antonio in November for the Rock n Roll to go with my the gals i am training as they complete another half (or some of them a full) marathon. I am seriously considering training for the Full and running the one here locally but will have a wait and see attitude... there is just SOMETHING about a solo race that I like.. esp on my birthday... so if not October.. then Sept on my 42 birthday. :) (maybe I will do something crazy like log 42 miles in a week to celebrate my 42nd birthday :) ...........
The challenge for me has become "when will I fit MY training in??" I have 2 track practices to help coach on Mondays and Fridays, one practice on T, W, Th and 2 again on Friday. Long group training meet up on Saturday morning at 8 am... I have Coop on thursdays all day and somewhere in there I have emails to respond to, a house to clean.. oh yeah... that other important thing i do.. homeschool my kids LOL.. When I look at my schedule I KNOW the ONLY time I will be able to get my training in consistantly is early in the morning OR late at night....
I have also slacked on the pushup challenge again.. so I will begin picking that up again :)
I want to be strong, I want my OWN quiet run times and I want to improve.. I want to be a good example to my kids and the kids and moms on the team and the people I am helping coach to a half marathon :) . I want to be excited about pushin myself to improve.
So.. thats my plan. and Here we go!!!
------------- finally.... what some at the end of a lengthy post but a good dessert :)

ok.. just finished about 2 miles on the treadmill followed by lots of abs (i lost count) and then 50 pushups (doing 5 sets of ten)... feeling good but really wishin i could have run outside tonight...

I am soooooo ready for the wind to stop blowin.. good grief 18 -20mph winds for days and days an days ... urgh. The windmill people are making some money these days for sure.
ok.. just finished about 2 miles on the treadmill followed by lots of abs (i lost count) and then 50 pushups (doing 5 sets of ten)... feeling good but really wishin i could have run outside tonight...

I am soooooo ready for the wind to stop blowin.. good grief 18 -20mph winds for days and days an days ... urgh. The windmill people are making some money these days for sure.
I've also been working on my own plan...wondering where I want to go from here. I liked reading yours.
So, what is it you like so much about your brooks shoes? I've never owned a pair of brooks. And would they be good on trails?
I love the journey you are on and that you are sharing it with the world...and that I get to see it!
God always has a plan for us..sometimes we just have to travel our own journeys to get to where He wants us to be..you have been "in-training" in more ways than just running!