if you have read my blog for any time.. you know i threw out my scale a LONG time ago. I never weigh... and... i stopped measuring myself about a year and half ago. I do find measuring yourself is the BEST way to see if you are progressing... but I just stopped that too... relying on how my clothes fit to measure my progress.
In September a week before i ran my marathon I bought two new pair of jeans. Size jr 9s, in the matter of two weeks i was having to belt them to keep them up. And for months now I can slide them off without unbuttoning them. I got so annoyed a few weeks ago i decided to go buy some jeans that fit. (I have fluctuated from a womens 6 and 4 depending on the brand of jean... for the past few months) .... I got jr 7s. .... not two weeks later.. i hate to belt those jeans! ...
this morning i put on that same pair of jeans (7s) and put my belt on... At Christmas I could barely belt it in the first whole and it was tight.. today.... i was surprised to find i was able to buckle it on the 3 notches!... that would be another whole inch off this month i think...........I really dont like wearing belts all that much.. esp cause I just have one... and i think i will try to yet another smaller size jean in the next few weeks ... i have never had this "issue".. buy pants and have them falling off weeks later.. LOL..
I love it... I feel myself getting leaner and stronger and healthier.... I KNOW its because sugar is out of my diet. I never felt so good. seriously in all my life.. i have NEVER felt THIS GOOOOOD!
I tried to run and be fit and keep sugar in my diet. I didnt want to give it up... I was addicted. Like drug addicted. I thought people who didnt each sugar were just some kind of health nuts who were on the outter fringes of my world. They were so weird. LIFE WITHOUT SUGAR? why would anyone want to live that way? Sugar makes you happy! Sugar is celebrations! Sugar gives you energy!... why life without it if you dont have too?
I NOW know why!
BECAUSE its about feeling good FOR LIFE not just for a few minutes or until you get your next boost from food. Its about having energy alllll day... its about waking up without a dr pepper to get you going.
My body is adjusting and becoming healthier every day that i leave sugar in the bowl and keep it out of my body!
the inches..... thats just the "icing on the cake" (ha)
and as a side note: look how much taller my wonderful daughter is than me:)

sugar is an addiction! I am fighting it right now!
oh my gosh!! just look at your daughter!! she has just sprouted up! not the "little" girl anymore!! and she's not done growing!
Ruthie, thanks for all your inspiration! you rock!!