yesterdays workout.. todays plan

well.. yesterdays workout was an hour long cardio session via track practice. It was raining so we had practice in the gym... did a lot of running and jumping and FAST high knees.. pushups too! I was drippin wet when we were done and it was so fun! (and i am sore today!)

I plan to go for a quick run on the treadmill right before track practice tonight but will prob be only 30 mins.. which is good since its taper week :)

I am working on getting my coaching site up and going.. my certification is taking longer than i thought but will have that hopefully by June.. Until then I will be a running and fitness coach and will start up the site and plans in a few weeks. I will begin another group to start training for a half marathon or marathon to complete in July. I will run the half but plan on doing another full in the fall :) would love to do an organized race for my next full marathon but will wait and see whats out there.

more after i run :)
