The IF's of current my life

before i get to the post i wanted share with you my Rock n Roll t-shirt...
I love it! Its by brooks! and I think the design really ROCKS! :)

  • If I want a happy tummy I must avoid sugar and other things my mouth might say tastes good but my tummy says are NO GOOD.
  • IF I want a happy mind then I must get my runs in
  • IF I want to stay strong then I must do my pushups
  • IF I want to sleep well then I must get my stress relieving runs in.
  • IF I want to have energy then I must drink my water.
  • IF I want to avoid cold hands and feet(a sign my blood pressure is too low) then I must drink my water.
  • IF I want to get up early and go run then I must go to bed early and not stay up watching Battlestar Galactica (yep a scifi fan here)

I had co-op today so I taught all day.... had track tonight with just a tad of a workout .... so i came home and did abwork and pushups...
My ab work was LOTS of sets of inclined situps (like 5 sets of 15) and then lots of leg raises (like 4 sets of 15) and then side leg lifts (30 on each side)..
I also retested on pushups... I managed 25 mens pushups.. so i will start with week one again on my pushup challenge...
OHHH... I just looked at the site .. and I am excited to learn that I will fast forward to week 3 !!! :) woowhoo! that makes me feel good :)

OK.. alll for now.. I have chicken breast and veggies waiting on me :)

more later!


Amy said…
Cute shirt and I love the IFs!
ShirleyPerly said…
The race shirt looks great on you! I wish RDs would order more women-specific sizes or XS. Race shirts rarely ever look as good on me.

Nice IF list!
RunKathyRun said…
Love the shirt and you're rockin in it!