2 days!

two days to the half :)

Todays plan:

  • get in a short run
  • get my music in order for my ipod
  • check the weather for Dallas and get final outfit prepared
  • get foods ready: supper, lunch for tomorrow (sandwich stuff and spaghetti)
  • laundry, kids to get the car cleaned up, pack it up

I am so ready for it to be here and getting it done :)

dont know how much i will post between now and then... but will try to post atleast the night before because I am sure will be wired :)


Tricia said…
good luck and have fun!
ShirleyPerly said…
Best of luck this weekend! I'll think of you while I'm running 10K :-)
Sarah said…
Good luck!!!!
Josha said…
oh, yeah!
Amy said…
Good luck Ruthie!!! I will be thinking of you on Sunday - hope the weather in Dallas stays gorgeous!
Jill Knapp said…
Let us know how it went!!
JRo said…
OMGosh! You are HERE in my town and i am not around to cheer for you OR hang out! That is what I get for not being in blog land for over a month! I am so sad to miss you. But RUN RUTHIE RUN! Have a great time, it is amazing!