Including my test for the 100 pushup challenge program
this program says you should be able to do 100 pushups in 6 weeks. That means my final test will be on MARCH 11th.
I did the initial test after a set of chest press and chest flies and tri extentions . it was just one set with 10lb weights so i think it wasnt enough to mess the test up. .... I eeked out 15 mens pushups like they show on the site... with my feet together.
I then did the rest of my weight workout..
chest press followed right after by chest flies (sets of 15)
followed right after by tri extensions followed right after with bi curls and right after shoulder press. .. all these I did a set of 15 .... started out with 10lb weight and moved up to 25lbs... with the exeption of shoulder press which i NEVER go over 10lbs because of my old shoulder injury...
I did what is listed above 4 times. ....
then I did back... single hand bent over rows with one knee on the bench.... i alternated sides going one right after the other and did 4 sets of 15 on those too.
I did ab work... did what I call "ab dancing".. which looks a bit funny... but is a standing ab workout.. mostly getting the obliques... I did 10 mins of this and then did 5 mins of inclined crunches..
needless to say
I am increadably tired..
but it feels great.
now for a protein shake so i can move tomorrow
OH my sugar article is up on HHWClub...
click here if you dare to read it :)