My name is Ruthie., I am a Sugarholic!
I am proud to say I am doing well and feeling great in regards to my quest to conquer my sugar habit. I have been mostly sugar free for another week! :) In the past 7 days the only stumbles I have had were 1. drinking hot wassail on New Years Eve and 2. Eating a some white chocolate covered pretzels, and 3. a few (like 6) peanut m&ms.
Cool things that are happening.....
1. I am starting to really CRAVE fruit! like i use to crave ice cream or candy
2. I am finding great substitutes for my sugary sweets
3. I am even enjoying my tea with NO sweetner... not even stevia.. yesterday I drank almost my whole class of hot tea before I realized I failed to put in my stevia pack LOL,,.
I really believe getting out of my sugar addiction is key to me leaning up and taking my fitness to the next level. I am determined to stay focused and realize that if I do stumble to not allow myself to go off the bandwagon but to pick myself up and start over :)
I think I might have a surprise for you all later today... but will see if it works out the way I hope it will :)
i'm working on uploading a video to mine right now.