no workout.. but a half plan :)

no workout on thursday... a bit of one on friday.. today I did 30 min high impact aerobics with coach and the track kids at a sports expo....

will run 6 miler tomorrow with the half marathon group :)

I am 90% sure I will run the Dallas Rock and Roll Half (I was going to just go with the ladies in my group but I think I will run :) .. maybe the crowd will get me to run it in under 2 hours :)

I will begin the training with the ladies and do the long runs and weekly runs ect on the plan I have for them from here on out :)



ShirleyPerly said…
Hey there, Ruthie!

I love the name of your blog and the goal to get back into your wedding dress. Best of luck to you with that and I hope you DO run the 1/2 marathon. If you can run 13.1mi in 2:02 on your own, I am sure you can break 2:00!

PS - Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm adding you to my Google Reader list too so I can follow your journey.
Claire said…
90 percent there....10 to go. You can sooo do it!!
Josha said…
OOOOOH! So exciting! I have two friends here who ran their first half in denver and it was a rock-n-roll. Then, they both went to Pheonix for the Rock-n-roll there the day after you ran this last half. Martha ran it in 1:45! They loved the crowd and the music. 2 of our highschool kids went and ran their first half and a couple of other people went too. My friend Mandy has run lots of ultras and she went and ran her first marathon. They all loved it. Rock-n Roll, Baby!!