Its Brooks Nightlife jacket!.. the picture doesn't show how very bright it is! It has reflective sections and great pockets.. including one for my ipod that in the upper section just below the collar/upper chest area. :)
I havent taken it out for a run yet but hope to do so this weekend for sure. ... An artic front is heading our way and our low for Tomorrow night is 11 degrees! .. YIKES! But if the wind is not too bad on thursday or Friday I just might bear the elements once more and get a good run in!
We are not going out of town like I thought we would this weekend (thanks to the weather) so I might give my 13.1 a try again this weekend instead of waiting until next :)

I am off to lift weights before track practice.. which is going to be in the gym and will be an hour of high impact aerobics and running :) ....
will post my weight workout as soon as i am finished :)
I lifted weights before track practice..... upper body workout and abwork... already sore :) woowhoo!
UPDATE #2 :)
I just got back from a 4 miler in the brooks jacket and I LOVED it! I went when the sun was setting and it was dark on the last 2 miles of my run .... I could definately tell I was very visable to the drivers at the intersections :) ...
My run was 3 miles of a faster pace (i didnt time myself) and then the last mile was alternating sprints as fast as I could run and walking to recover ... before doing another...
I tell you.. if you are feeling a bit stressed.... add sprints to the end of your run and you would be RELAXED on the way home ;)
gotta go..
busy day tomorrow lots to do to get ready for it.. .. I leave you with George Eliot quotes :)
"It's never too late to be who you might have been"
"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together."
"It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger after them."
"The only failure one should fear, is not hugging to the purpose they see as best."
George Eliot
we're hope-hoping for snow. We need more. little flakes are falling...maybe it will become a nice snow storm!
I'd like to run with you this weekend in the cold! :)