I knew this day would come. I knew I would get it back ... I just didnt know how long it would take. You never know with life and what it will throw at you.. You never know when injury or illness will set in and put you back to the beginning.
This first photo is from July 09....
The photo below has been my goal photo for over a year.
Where I always wanted to get back to.
Where I always wanted to get back to.

Here's to refusing to go back to this unhappy unhealthy place!

As far as the workout for today.. I did upper body and abwork
chest flies, chest press, shoulder flies, shoulder press, bi curls, tri extensions and tri dips... ab work and more ab work :) huffin and puffin! Who said weights couldnt be a cardio workout :) hehe
I was very excited that I went up to 25lbs in each hand on bench press and bi curls... doing 12 on press and ten on curls.
Feeling like I am BAAAAAACK!

Here's to refusing to go back to this unhappy unhealthy place!
Looking forward to seeing what 2010 has in store! :)
As far as the workout for today.. I did upper body and abwork
chest flies, chest press, shoulder flies, shoulder press, bi curls, tri extensions and tri dips... ab work and more ab work :) huffin and puffin! Who said weights couldnt be a cardio workout :) hehe
I was very excited that I went up to 25lbs in each hand on bench press and bi curls... doing 12 on press and ten on curls.
Feeling like I am BAAAAAACK!
Keep on believing in yourself! Keep taking those daily action steps that will get you closer to your goals!
You are a true inspiration to so many! Just think of what 2010 will bring if we put our minds to it!
shred on, Sister!