13.1 on 1.1.10!

13.1 here I come!

If its anything I have learned all this year its that My stomach rules my life for the most part.
If I eat good.. I feel good.... If i eat bad I feel bad or have life interrupted for tummy time.

I left the house this morning at 930.... plenty of time to finish my miles before track practice at noon. I had 7 miles under my belt and BOOM it hit me.... I spent the next 20 mins with some alone time in the track restroom. I knew I shouldnt have eating all the yummy food at the party last night but I though it would effect me as much as it did.

So.... the choice to continue or to quit... could I run 6 more miles in an hour? even with the possible tummy ache coming back? I gave it a shot.. ran a bit more and finally decided to call it quits at 8.5 miles.

I have learned my lesson again. It is really ok.... the whole goal of today was to be out and be active... I know I could have finished 13.1 if my tummy wasnt hurting. Its just how running is.. you never know what it will throw at you.

so... I logged 8.5 miles and then went to track practice. I did 3 more laps there which puts me at 9.25 miles. After track i came home and ate a bit and headed out with my sister to do a lap around campus walking with her ..... so that adds another 1.83 miles to the total.

11.08 miles.

I know its only 2 more miles to have 13.1 .......

but I am happy with what I have done today.

13.1 will wait until another time.... and its ok... :) sorry to disappoint you but I gave it my best and now will enjoy the rest of the day with cooking and getting to go to a movie with my amazing husband :)

Life is GREAT! Good things are going to happen in 2010.. i can feel it!

Heres to being happy with progress and not worrying about being perfect...
Heres to being active on a day when most sit and watch tv :)
Heres to learning another lesson to use in the future :)

(my plan at this point is to wait 2 weeks and give it another shot :)... Before the end of January I will complete 13.1 all at one time.. and hopefully under 2 hours!)


Josha said…
can't wait to hear about it! especially since you must be sore from yesterday! :)
Josha said…
Great! Take it as it comes! It's so awesome to know that you CAN do it! I'm a sit-on-the-couch gal today! LOL
headache again...not the kind that goes away with a run and fresh air.
I ran a snowy run Wednesday, and am making a video...I'm just slow.
I proud you did what you could!