I might ruffle a few feathers, and if I do, I am sorry. I know how passionate people can be when it comes to their children and sports. But I just want to share a few thoughts, my opinion, on why running is the best sport for kids.
As you know, I am involved with a local kids running club. This club is led by an amazing man, a national champion, and someone who was and still is an amazing runner. We have children in the club as young as 4 years old and as old as Sr's in Highschool.
I have looked a bit on the internet and found many running clubs geared towards the youth of this nation. I wanted to take time in my blog to encourage those of you with children to look into running clubs in your area.
Here are my reasons why Running is the best sport for kids:
- Running is an individual sport, as well as a team sport. When my children run in a race, they run to beat their own personal record, AND to compete for their team. In a track meet points are added together to find over all team placings as well as medals for individuals.
- There is no off season in running. There is Indoor Track Season, Regular Track season and Cross Country season. Our team runs year round. This creates a bases for children developing a habit of fitness and exercise that isn't seasonal, or dependent on other members of their team. If a runner misses practice it really doesn't effect my childs over all fitness.... we are on the same team--but my ability to perform the sport is not dependent on anyone else.
- Since running is an individual as well as a team sport, running is a activity that children are more likely to carry into adulthood and on that will last a lifetime. How may adults do you know who were football players, baseball or softball players, volleyball players, basketball players, or gymnasts in youth and are actively participating in those sports today. How many 30, 40 or 50 year old parents do you know that are still playing these other sports and are fit because of it?
- The sport of running isn't expensive. A good pair of shoes, running shorts and shirt and a place to run is all you really need. Being in a running club does add to the expense but I would bet a clubs fee is less than other sports.
- Running is a sport that involves working to make your body AND your mind stronger over all. Abwork, stretching, flexibility, endurance, form drills, the list goes on and on.
- Running is directly related to how, what and when you eat. You have to fuel your body correctly or you will not be able to perform, in practice or in a race. Running teaches balance and health when it comes to nutrition. If you want to be a good runner, you cannot eat junk food and sodas! ... it just can't be done.
- Running is a sport your children and you can do together. If you choose to find a running club even if your children range in ages by 2 or 4 or 5 years, your children can be on a team together. Imagine ONE sports practice to take your children too instead of driving to 2 or 3 different sports. This could save $ and time in your day to be together as a family.
I could be here the rest of the day listing all the positive things about running. Some of you are probably not too happy with my "looking down" on other sports, and that's ok. Ask your children if they like running? If not, why? Most sports use running as conditioning or as "punishment" if the child doesn't perform correctly. ("give me 4 laps around the gym young man!" or "Because this team is not practicing with a good attitude, you all have to run until I know you want to give it your all" ) I believe for this very reason many adults and children view running with a negative outlook.
This brings to mind a saying I saw on a runner shirt a few months ago: "My sport is your sports punishment" .......
I encourage you to think about running for your kids as a way to build a lifetime of fitness and health....
now... I am off my soapbox :) ... The last few days have been filled with running :)
I am still in the 'recovery' stage of my plan so i have been just running with the kids at track practice (2x on mondays and one day a week the rest of the time) .....I am ready to have next week over so I can get back on a running plan. I have been doing abwork and stretching as well :)
The kids had a track meet this past weekend and I think I ran 5 miles on Saturday helping coach the team :).....My daughter (12 year old) did great and is thrilled with her new PR of 6:45 min in the mile! My 8 year old son had a new PR too 7:34min in the mile.. and my older son (10) finished strong and better than his last race at 10:30sh a mile (not a PR for him but he has been working really hard and was very sore from the weeks practice :)