UPDATE:5:42 pm::: My dad is doing great. Ended up he has nothing that is blocked over 60% so they did nothing to him. No stints, nothing. He has lots of hardening of the arteries and many areas that are 30 or 40 or 50% blocked but they said they would not do anything unless it was 75%. they will just give him medicine. He is coming home tonight. Thanks for our prayers!
My Daddy is 74. He has had health issue after health issue over the past 2 years. Earlier this week the Drs found he had a blockage in the coronary artery. Today he will have Stints put in. I love my Daddy and would appreciate your prayers. In the past few years he has had a stroke, has had his heart go out of rhythm twice and had to have his heart stopped with medicines and then shocked back into beating! It seems like every 6 weeks he is having to go through something else. It makes me sad.
All this has led me (again) on a journey to research the cause of plaque in our arteries. You know God has made our bodies to take an amazing amount of abuse. From smoking, to inactivity, to being overweight or obese, to being stressed.... God designed a body to function despite what we do to it.... but only for a while. There IS a limit my friends!How is it that some people are healthy well into their late years while others suffer with medical problems and live on pills and dr appointments?
I know I cannot predict the future, I cannot tell you what might happen to me or what medical problems I might have over the next 50 years but I do know that I want to do what I can to take care of the body I was given.
I encourage YOU to do what you can today! Dont wait until your so far gone surgery is the only option!
DIET, EXERCISE, REDUCE STRESS, take care of that body! Do it for YOU! And if you are too depressed, or don't think enough of yourself to do it for YOU...
Do it for your kids! Do it for the ones that LOVE you! Life is way to short to wait! Dont put off doing what you can today to become healthy!
here is just a bit of information about what causes and how to prevent plaque buildup"
"Plaque often starts to develop during the childhood or teenage years. Then clogged arteries develop in middle age or later." (what are we feeding our children? do we encourage exercise? are you kids stressed out? what kind of example are we being to our own children???? do they have fit and healthy roll models?)
"There are a variety of prevention and treatment options for clogged arteries. What your doctor prescribes to reduce arterial plaque and prevent clogged arteries will depend on the severity of your condition and your medical history. Your doctor may prescribe one or more of the following:
1. Lifestyle changes. A healthy lifestyle is essential for the management of arterial plaque and treatment of clogged arteries. This includes:
- eating a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol and rich in fruits and vegetables
- maintaining a healthy body weight
- not smoking
- exercising regularly
- managing stress levels"
---one a workout report note... i am happy that I woke up sore from yesterdays run(s)... :) I will do a bit of pushups, abworks and lunges before heading to track practice at noon where I will run with the kidos :)--------
We can do so many things right and our bodies are still only temporary. We are here for a reason, we should enjoy the journey.