busy day....tired but posting

ok..fast post before bed.

Taught at co-op today .. it was great!.. made the day fly by.

Track practice tonight.. dont know how far I ran . cause I run all over the place but figure atleast 2.5 miles. Part of that I did sprints.. running from the back of the kids pack to the front of the kids pack as they were running a mile. We had another new kids show up tonight and two more families sign thier kids on for "the long haul".. so thats fun! we had 38 kids there tonight! (and that doesnt count our homeschool group who meets at noon)

Eats you ask? no so good today... vanilla wafers at coop, pizza tonight .... but will not let it get me down... got a lead on sugar snap peas :) will try and find them tomorrow :)...

funny thing.. my NEW jeans I bought are now having to be belted all the time or they dont stay up. i am wondering if I am adjusting (finally) to all this running and my body realizes I eat more often now :)

ok... I am off to bed. will lift tomorrow (upper body) .. still resting my lower body for another week until i start hitting the lunges again :)

sprinting felt great tonight! nothing like sucking wind to get your heart beating :) and your energy back..

more tomorrow



Josha said…
More busy days??
Miss you!