first of all I must say i LOVE my new hat from U Mother. The only issue I have is some people seem a bit shocked by the u mother company name and i get some "oh" looks when they read it. but the hat is very comfy and works great at keeping my head cool and sun out of me eyes :)

this is just after I finished a 4.5 mile lunch run. DH came home for lunch and I headed out. I left with my white thermal shirt on over my black short sleeve, and my long black pants on and came home looking like this... with both tied around my waist :)
I had numb feet for the first mile and half or so.. just the balls of my feet and a few toes were numb.. was it the cold? or just something weird going on with me.. I dont know...
i am surprised at the muscle def i see in my legs in that photo... didnt know it was there.
loved the run. weather was cool but the sun was out. now i can have fun at track practice and know my workout is behind me. I stretched and will do some abwork when I get back from taking my dd to her writing class :)
more later
ok.. just reporting I did 2 miles (slow) with the track kidos :) well i say slow... with the exception of one sprint thrown in there :) track was fun fun fun!