trying to do the right thing

well.. I am trying hard to do the right thing here..

I am still not 100%. I DO feel better... but have congestion and a bit of a cough (never any fever).
I planned on getting up and running this morning.. but when my alarm went off at 530 i felt like my allergy medicine still had control over my body. urhg.

so.. i went back to bed.. until 8! (which i never sleep that late!)..

I am just ready to be done with this not feel good thing... and be back to feeling like myself. I dont like it! I dont like not feeling like running.. cause running makes me feel good.. so its like a double wammie (you know)...

I will drink my hot tea this morning.. rest and just try to get better ... I guess this means no 10 mile run in the taper for me... which i am ok with.... but i need to start getting some kind of running in or its not going to be good on the 26th.

If things go well today... I will try for a 5 miler tonight after track practice. 


JRo said…
Your body needed the sleep, it is wise to let it sleep. I had to let mine sleep too. I feel so incredible, and I was not even sick. So imagine how much more your body needed it!

Remember, it is about making it through all the training, no the marathon, that is so hard! (At least that is what I have read, and it was true of the half for me) You can do it! You are almost there!
Josha said…
Your brain needed the 10 miler more than your body... You have what it takes to do the 26 already. You know, you can run a 5 miler in the day and a 5 miler tonight if you really feel like you want those miles. :)
Stacey said…
You will be fine for the 26th!!! Even if you didn't run much from now until then. My rule has always been, I will run if my symptoms are from the neck up...I always think I can sweat out the bad...I don't know if it works, but my colds never stay too long. Hope you feel better! And don't stress, you have been training well, you are ready!