no long run this morning... rest instead (updated)

I ran with the kidos at track this morning.. but i just couldnt make myself get up this morning at 5 to go run... i feel much better since i slept in :)

I also think my "i dont feel goods" WERE all a result of my soda drinking i did the weekend before :)
I feel great today... back to normal. :)

I will try and get a 4 miler in tonight.... but am 80% sure i will push back my 20 mile run to Next Monday or Tuesday.. so i can get some more runs in before i give it a shot. It just depends on how i feel between now and Friday morning :)

I am thinking some progress photos are in order.. so i might try and get those done tonight too :)

a little video i found today :) 

Marathon Training:
Motivation To Run A Marathon


ok.. so i have thought about it and have decided to do the 20 on friday morning.. I would rather get it done and have the maximum amount of days to rest before the full blown marathon on the 26th.
I am planning on trying to get an 8 mile run in tonight.. then rest tomorrow and get up EARLY on Friday to get it done.

update (again)
good grief! what was i thinking??? first of all.. 8 miles would be my long run for last week.. and i shouldnt do that right before my really long run   for this week... also.. i should have learned from last time.. i am NOT a night runner. I got the treadmill.. did 2 and called it a day. (or night)... I just dont have the energy.

but.. with this 2 and the 2ish i did this morning.. i am calling 4 miles good enough.. now to rest up and not fret over TWENTY MILES on friday morning.


Amy said…
Your best is always good enough. And that varies from day to day. So important to listen to your body and rest when needed!
Josha said…
rest is good!
20 impressed just by the thought! Look how close you already are to being a marathoner!