what's happening to me!

Decided to run again today.. tomorrow i will not run but do weights and rest the legs for Saturdays 8 miles :)

We ran at the park today for track practice! Its the beginning of cross country season and the kids LOVE CC!
I ran a slow mile with my middle son and then a fast mile as I tried to stay up with the older highschool boys on the team. It was great fun.

I have done something the last two runs I have NEVER done before.. EVER!
I ran 2 miles with my hair down! yep.. no pony tail
this is even better
I ran yesterday and today with NO IPOD!
Ok gals.. this is weird.. and I cant figure out what i am turning into.. but to wake up with no alarm at 515am AND to enjoy running without music!??? yikes. strange things a happenin here!

Eats have been ok.
I ask THIS on the marathon mommies site and feel encouraged.
I think for a while I wasnt eating enough calories and then over compensating by eating too many for a few days... so... I am doing two things differently. One, I am sticking to my 5 to 6 meals a day thing but also making sure my plate has more fruits and veggies than anything else on it. This seems to be helping me a bit.. as I ran this morning (again) in my "small" size running skirt :)

ok.. gotta go.. have to by the boys new running shoes today, clean the car out, clean the house, do laundry, .. the list goes on and on doesnt it. :) glad I got my run in before all the craziness of the day started :)


Amanda said…
I remember the first time I jogged with no ipod - kind of peaceful...just your breath and the silence!

You're do so great! Brad and I did intervals on the treadmill yesterday...so sore!
Josha said…
I like to run without music, but I have a river to listen to...I'm not sure I could do it without that!
You are super woman or something. Did you wear your cap?
JRo said…
I used to run without music, you know, before MP3 players (no one even has those anymore already!) and iPods! That is how I started calling it running the crazy out. All that crap that goes on in my head would just get untangled and worked out on a run!

NOT with you on the hair down. I can't even live normal life without a pony tail! haha!