the shoes came by ups late this afternoon.. about supper time.. so i decided to wait until tomorrow morning to get up and run.
Its funny.. I can't decide if I love running or what. Its been a weird few days. I just feel a bit off... the fall school year is starting up.. DH has been working a lot, the kids and I started schooling yesterday and I am hoping to get 4 days of school work in this week. I think more than anything right now my running can be discribed as another job. Sometimes I feel like that.... having to squeeze it in .. here or there... missing it alltogether or not making the distance i wanted. Don't get me wrong.. once I am out and running.. I feel the joy (most the time) ..... its just becoming so different than it use to be.
I knew training for a marathon would be teaching me a thing or two.. and I have learned quit a bit so far.. .. wondering what it is?:
- Never take your body for granted. Injury or pain can stop you in your tracks at any moment.
- Enjoy each and every run for what it is worth, because tomorrow you might not be able to make it.
- Being organized is important. When you run, where you run, what you take with you when you run, keeping your equipment up to par (shoes) so you dont have to miss runs because you are waiting on them to come in the mail., what you eat, when you eat, how much you eat. ... I can't run when DH is working, I can't run at track, I can't run during the early evening (too hot), I cant run at night (too late.. as I have to get up for track the next day)..
- Earl to bed, Early to rise... who knew that would be me? yet here i am in bed before 930pm.
- My weight is important.. but not most important. Pounds aren't falling off.. but I am making it through many many miles and for the most part feel great. I am learning to let my body do what it needs to do to get me where i want to be. Right now.. that is at the end of a 26.2 miles run on 9-26. So far so good. I won't complain about my weight :)
- that if i miss more than two days without a good solid run (like 4 miles or more) I get anxious, restless, moody and feel the need to "get away" :) ... for a nice relaxing run.
I think I am changing. I am learning to be patient. I am learning to focus on what is next and not worry about whats down the road.
What will I experience, how will I feel if I finish 26.2 miles? I have no idea. But I do know the closer I get.. the more excited and anxious I get all at the same time. Some days I feel like its not really even me that is doing this... like its an outer body experience. I mean, come on... this is ME!.. someone who HATED to run, someone who couldnt make it a lap around that campus and friday I will be going 9 times around? really? good grief.
someone wake me up cause this just can't be me.