Its NOT about the Shirt... and more :)

Can't believe it but I CAN walk today :) LOL..

Yesterday evening I had a "catch" in my front hip area... but this morning it was totally fine
my feet still feel a bit tired but know I made a great choice to not wear my 5 inch heals to church this morning :) ... the front of my thighs are sore.. like they are when you run sprints .. its a good sore. :)

Yesterday I ate bad :) ... calling it a free day. (really wanna know?) .. ugh.. too long to type :)
Today... well... not so good again.. We had Dr Pepper in the house so i drank some. Girls.. I am telling you.. Its like a drug to me! makes me feel GREAT! ... ugh... stupid HFCS!

I didnt go grocery shopping and I didnt do a meal plan... I did this instead:

which is really cool.. but I should have done my eats plan instead.

so... tomorrow I WILL plan and shop...

DETERMINED to eat great this week!

Wonder what I decided as far as a "real" race or running my marathon by myself?
Well.. I have given it a lot of thought.. and I have decided.
Sept. 26th will be the day...

I will run where I always do because:
  • I love it.
  • There is just something about not having to pay someone to go run a marathon.. will help other people see that they don't have to have $ to run a marathon (no hotel bill, no travel expense, no eating out...) I can then take my $ if I want and by me a new running outfit or something else to celebrate :)
  • It takes all the excuses away
  • It will be special because its the place I use to not be able to run or walk one lap around (2miles) without stopping and it will be where all my training has taken place :)
  • I will be able to come straight home to my tub that is already ready for me and to my HOUSE.. where I can just chill for a while and of course blog about the adventure :)
  • I will be able to have my hubby and children run different parts of it with me.. AND maybe a few of my friends (if they are willing).
And the MAIN reason for me is....


for me its about conquering my fear, doing something I once thought impossible, and doing it MY way! Don't get me wrong.. the shirts and medals from running events are cool but... its more personal than that for me :) (yeah.. I am a rebel!)

so I posted my workout schedule for this week on the side bar.. incase you wanna see.:P ... I am on week 14 of a 20 week program from Marathoning for Mortals


Josha said…
So cool to be able to say, "oh, wasn't an organized race, I ran the 26.2 on my own."