here we go again :)
remember a post i did a LONG time ago... about doing something that was harder than running a marathon? it was about getting off sugar.
For a while I have been wondering if it is ok to want to be thinner. You know.. people say "you look great".. "i think we all have an "ideal body weight" and you are probably at it"
Here's what I know.
- I feel better about myself, I have more energy, I feel better when I run, and I am a more positive person when I am between 135-125lbs
But as I sit here .. I can feel my "baby belly" as I call it (my belly I was blessed with after three children)... rolling over my waistband.. AND I HATE IT! I hate not being able to feel comfy in my clothes and in my own skin...
I have to admit to myself that this past year has been such a struggle. Ever since the back injury I have been floundering with my food. I use to be so "on target" .. I ate six meals a day and it made me feel great! At one point.. i even got off table sugar! The only sugar I had was from fruits! and i felt GREAT!
If eating healthy would make me feel better about myself, make me look better, make me have more energy, and help me reach my "feel good" weight... then why havent I been consistantly sticking to an eating program?
Well.. I think part of me is throwing a fit. ...... I mean.. I WORKED SOOOO HARD last year.. and I was doing SOOOOO GOOOD.. and then.. BOOM.. it all went to pot. So today.. there is still that part of me that is mad, throwing a fit.. like a baby. Well.. its time to stop that nonscense.
why should i have to be sooooo diligent about my food choices?
Now.. please dont misunderstand.. its not like I eat icecream everynight (if ever)... my "current" diet has a lot in common with where I use to be.. but I have slacked on serving sizes, water intake, and making sure I eat enough meals throughout the day.
- I will "start over" with my foods. Goals of getting off sugar, eating 5 to 6 meals a day, and drinking that water
- I will start posting my eats on this blog (like I use to) and admit to myself that "i am what i eat"
- I will use a combination of body for life and The eat-clean diet for my meals... sticking to whole unprocess foods.
- I am making a promise to myself to take time to plan and be organized (again) as it relates to my meals and the families meal plan.
- a happier, leaner, me :)
- a runner who is light on her feet and loving every minute
- a mom who has a much better relationship with that baby belly :)
- more energy, and off sugar... which will lead to lots of possitive things! :)
- to be at my "feel good weight" again and stay there!
This is all about me having to be something I am not. an ORGANIZED person. You see.. I like being creative... whats for supper? I dont know until right before and I "create" it. I am not a huge fan of structure.. I like to have goals but to get them done on my own timing...
Well.. with healthy, balanced, nutritious meals... you MUST plan and be structured!
tomorrow I will plan and organize next week meals.. I will get a simple meal plan together for myself and will begin the plan on Monday...
anyone wanna join me?