some of you know I have had issues with low blood pressure. Some might think this is because I run.. well.. it isn't. I have always had low blood pressure, no matter what my size... even when i was pregnant with my babies it was low.
Low blood pressure usually isnt a problem.. I mean USUALLY its a great thing... but some people eventually start having real problems. I began experiencing things like:
- cold hands and feet
- getting cold and not able to get warm
- exhaustion, low or no energy, feeling like i could take a nap at the drop of a hat
- waking up in the middle of the night, hungry
- feeling dizzy
- foggy thinking
Dr ran many tests, but everything came back fine. Meanwhile.. I still had all the problems listed above. When the dr office didnt seem to want to investigate it any longer and just said "everything is fine".......
whats a girl to do.. when she feels so bad and has no answers.
search the internet of course!
i did some reading and found out that one of the top two major causes of low blood pressure is ...
ok... ... but i drink water!.. so thats couldnt be it! ... well... I decided to test it...
last week i decided to try and drink a gallon of water a day. (remember)..
I am tell you ladies..
I was drinking water.. but not near enough!
Trying to drink a gallon of water a day has changed me!
I am warm for the first time in over a year!
I sleeping through the night not waking up hungry (you see you body signals that its thursty the same way it does when you are hungry.... so i wasnt needing that slice of bread in the middle of the night... i was needing WATER)
I could keep listing things.. but you see that list up there? ... well.. all those things are GONE!
I am so happy to have found the reason for my lake of energy.
I am shocked and amazed that the Dr didnt say
"you could be dehydrated.. ... go home.. drink water" .......but no.... instead I had a heart sonogram, viles and viles of blood drawn and a glocose test... all to show i was healthy........
heres my advice.
drink water.
Educate yourself about water
here are a few links
click here for a short but great article....
click here to read what the mayo clinic says about water
click here to use a hydration calulator to figure how much water you need
(it said i needed .82 gallons a day if i am running 60 mins.. pretty close to a gallon.. so thats what i shoot for)
Water is good for you
Water can change your life!
yes they check the thyroid :) it was normal.
as far as running to the bathroom I read that after about a week or two you body gets use the increased amount (the right amount) and that you start going to the bathroom less but getting rid of more urine at a time. .... so far.. I have done just that :) at first going like crazy and now back to normal but output is higher :)
I have low blood pressure too, and used to get really dizzy all the time. Then I was a lifeguard and drank copious amounts of water fearing dehydration from being in the sun for 12+ hrs a day... Dizzy no more!
The sad thing, I seem to have forgotten that, at least the eating raw helps too! ;)