Mind Games

"oh i am so sore I will just run on Sunday"
"but the schedule is to run today... and if you run you will feel less sore"
"ugh... i forgot to wash my favorite running skirt... I will run tomorrow cause then i can run in my favorite skirt and not the one that bugs me when I run"
"just put something on and go run"
"oh.. it's 715 already and i am not even out of bed.. it will be too hot ... I will run tomorrow"
"remember.. a cold front came through last night and it could be nice out this morning this late"
"well I am spose to run 6 miles today .. and it will take me a while"
"its only 6 miles"
'WHAT? did i just use ONLY and SIX MILES in a sentence!"
"guess i am turning into a runner or something... guess i better go run"

I got my unfavorite running skirt on and walked outside.
It was beautiful. cool. with a nice gentle breeze.
I walk up to campus and start to jog.. stop to hide my water bottle in the shrubs along my route and keep running. As I turn the corner I see a person that looks like my sweet sister.. but I wasnt sure. As I got closer and closer I wanted to scream "woooowhooo".. but i thought that might scare her as she was listening to her ipod :) ... so.... I ran up along side and grabed her hand and gave her a hug.... it was SOOOOO cool being able to share that part of my run this morning with her.... what a joy!
I did 6 miles but the last mile was tough... I kept saying
"I want to walk"
"no.. you want to be finished"
"yeah.. I want to sit down right here and rest"
"yeah but if you keep going .. if you keep running.. then you will be FINISHED"
"ok.. i will keep going"

I finished.

The mind is a powerful thing
It can tell you you cant and make you believe it
It can tell you you can do the impossible.... and make you believe it.

reminding myself everday that "just ok is not enough" and


Jae said…
I loved that I was able to surprise you! Wasn't it amazing this morning? I can feel Fall whispering that She's on her way. I feel wonderful. God is so good :)

You inspire me!!! I love you, Ru.
Josha said…
All right already. I'll do it. I'll do my lifting so that I can be too sore to run tomorrow and then run anyway. Sheesh. You don't have to be so inspiring...
Oh, wait...yes, you do. :)
Ruthie said…
oh Josha you are so funny!
thanks for the giggle.
you rock.

you rock too sissy! :)
Amy said…
So true! The mind is so powerful - why don't we use it to our benefit more often???