The Zone.
That's what I call it. The Zone is a special place where for a few moments time seems to stand still. I have found my Zone many times in my life. Most experiences I have had with 'walking' through the Zone has been in my Artwork.
You see.. when I paint or draw.. time just stands still. I find myself painting for hours before realizing it.. looking at the clock thinking its been 20 mins and its been an hour and a half or two hours. Once I was painting a mural.. and I worked 6 hours straight without a break... finally i thought .. "hum. i am hungry" .. thinking it was lunch time... and when I looked at the clock I found it was almost dinner time!
Well, Friday.. as I ran... I found myself in the Zone. This hadn't happened before on any of my runs.. but Friday was different. The almost 2.5 hours it took to complete the 13.1 seemed surreal. It is hard to explain... a feeling that really cant be described. When I was finished I couldnt believe I had been out there for over 2 hours. I thought to myself.. the sun has risen, the parking lots were empty, now all these people are going to work... I was up .. doing THIS.. before most of these people were out of bed!
It was surreal. It was wonderful.
I love being in the Zone. Its a happy relaxing invigorating place. Its a place where I know I am doing what God meant for me to do. Being what God created me to be. Being in the Zone generates a passion. Passion to get back in the Zone. AND a passion to be who you were meant to be. To live and experience it over again and to share it with others.
What I find so interesting is that for me .. the Art Zone.. is easy to get into.. I never really had to struggle or work to make it happen.. it just does. I pick up the brush and start and time fads away.
But.. with running... the Zone came with a price. In the beginning I had to work for it. I had to sweat for it. I had to start with baby steps.. walking.. walking then jogging a few steps... then walking and jogging more.. and more... ... All those hours of work. All those hours of struggle. I never knew it would bring me to a place that I thought I could only get through my Art. But there I was .. none the less...
Running for me.. is becoming more than just a way to keep the extra weight off... more than just vanity. Running is becoming JOYFUL!
Such wonderful surprises are out there... if you just try, are focused, determined, and NEVER QUIT.
Long ago, I had thoughts of being a runner. "I wonder if..." .. is an interesting question isn't it?
I still have those questions in my head.
Its seems.. sometimes the hardest part is letting yourself just try.
Putting away all the negative self talk and just show up and try, dont talk yourself out of it. Dont allow anyone else to talk you out of it. If they call you crazy. Its ok. Because you know what... .. traveling the road you were meant to go on is filled with wonderful things. Surprises and Joyfulness..... You might have to struggle, work, sweat and pick yourself up a time or two.. but someday you will get there. You will find your Zone and you will know what I am talking about......
What a blessing!
I cant wait to go again.
I know that space and hope to find it tomorrow morning along a 13.1 mile journey that has taken about 3 years.