It felt GREAT to sleep late this morning :) didn't get out of bed until 750 :) woowhoo..

It was already warm in our garage-gym this morning so my upper body workout was a nice sweaty kinda workout :)
chest, shoulders, back, tris and bis all done with burnouts :) Arms are jello :) And who says you cant get that heart pumping while sitting down?
I was so excited to do 20lbs in each hand on tri extensions and 25 on curls (instead of 6 at the end I did 8... which means I am close to going up to 30lbers in each hand on bicurls! woowhooo!)
I will never forget the night I laid in bed. I had been up late trying to have a bit of ME time. The kids were small and I was exhausted. I was tired. I was tired of being tired. As I laid there in bed I sat in the quiet of my home thinking about what I had done to myself again. I had let myself go again... I did it to myself. I laid there asking myself "do I want to be fat and unhealthy? or do I want to be fit and healthy?" (if I remember correctly this is the question Pam Brown use to ask herself) If I could choose.. which would I choose. I would choose Healthy and Fit! So I began a prayer asking for the Lords help in changing who I was. I wanted to be a possitive role model for my kids, I wanted to be a happy fun Mom who wanted to be with her kids instead of exhausted by them. I wanted to feel good about myself. I feel asleep in prayer. When I woke the next morning I had a question that popped in my mind. "Ruthie, do you want to be fat or fit?" "FAT or FIT?". I wanted to be FIT.. so I got out of bed.. laced up my shoes and got a workout done. I found my Motivation again. I found that part of me that I had ignored for months and months. Over the next few weeks I searched for scripture and quotes from the Internet to help to keep me focused.
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
"I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
And now for a quote party: (this was taken from a post in 2007)
"What you have to do and the way you have to do it is incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter."
"You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind."
"Perseverance is failing 9 times and succeeding the 10th."
"Success is never final and failure never fatal. It's courage that counts."
"The pain of disipline is far less than the pain of regret"
"You only ever grow as a human being if you're outside your comfort zone."
Nothing will work unless you do.
I am wondering what the future holds... I am a bit concerned about finishing the 13.1 at the end of this week.. but know I can..... I am wondering what the Dr will say about my test results (hopefully an answer today!) ....but I know that I will never stop trying to be better, stronger, faster, ... cause I have worked to hard to go back to the person I use to be. :) I like the "trying to become fit me.. better than the old worn out me :)" I will never be perfect.. I will be happy with where I am now and try to move forward to be better than I think I can be.
be happy now AND move toward your goals! Love it.
Today, I will try to post my goals and strategy for my half (which WILL include some walking).
I am writing FIT in HUGE letters on my chalkboard RIGHT NOW! Lest I forget!