woke up tired this morning.. I MUST get to bed earlier. I tried to get up at 530am and it just didnt feel right.. so I went back to sleep.. OR TRIED. .... precious little birds out the window kept churping at me... (GET UP GET UP GET UP) ha. ....
I finally got up at 630... of course thinking the whole time... I should be running right now... but left the house at 7. I did 2 fast miles around campus.. no walking.. it was my fast pace. but I didnt actually feel in the grove and good until the last 2 laps around the track to complete my 3 miles. I then walked a lap and stretched to cool down.
IIts been really good for me to think back about things that have really motivated me over the years. As I ran this morning I listened to a song .... THIS song:
this song is the theme song that Josha used to create her transformation video. This song reminds me of Josha. When I listen I see the images of her transformation flash in my head. I see her smile and I see her children. I see all her reasons for giving up and I see her reasons for not quitting! This song motivates me in ways that is hard to explain... It reminds me that life is precious and that this very moment is the one we can do something about. It also reminds me to let go of all my imperfections of all the times I think I could have done better or should have done better. It keeps me in the here and now and makes me want to be the best I can right now!
Motivation. Its an interesting thing.. because one day I am motivated because of vanity, because of that size 4 I use to wear.. (last year) and the next moment it has nothing to do with size but with strength. I will never forget the memories I have from Sept 11th. I was working in a residence hall and had three small children. It was the year I had tried to start over so many times. I will never forget sitting with that baby on my lap watching the tv and all the horrible things that unfolded on that day. I will never forget how that day changed my motivation. I wondered about the people, about the moms and daddies who lost children and vise versa. I held my children tight and promised myself I would be fit and strong for them. Lord forbid if anything ever happened to them.. if I was in a situation to protect my children from harm .. would I be strong enough? I also wanted to cherrish every moment with them and not take anything for granted. Of course, memories fade and thoughts come and go... but since that day when I still have my moments of doubt as to whether I can change.. I remember holding my babies and promising to be the best I can be for them.
IIts been really good for me to think back about things that have really motivated me over the years. As I ran this morning I listened to a song .... THIS song:
this song is the theme song that Josha used to create her transformation video. This song reminds me of Josha. When I listen I see the images of her transformation flash in my head. I see her smile and I see her children. I see all her reasons for giving up and I see her reasons for not quitting! This song motivates me in ways that is hard to explain... It reminds me that life is precious and that this very moment is the one we can do something about. It also reminds me to let go of all my imperfections of all the times I think I could have done better or should have done better. It keeps me in the here and now and makes me want to be the best I can right now!
Motivation. Its an interesting thing.. because one day I am motivated because of vanity, because of that size 4 I use to wear.. (last year) and the next moment it has nothing to do with size but with strength. I will never forget the memories I have from Sept 11th. I was working in a residence hall and had three small children. It was the year I had tried to start over so many times. I will never forget sitting with that baby on my lap watching the tv and all the horrible things that unfolded on that day. I will never forget how that day changed my motivation. I wondered about the people, about the moms and daddies who lost children and vise versa. I held my children tight and promised myself I would be fit and strong for them. Lord forbid if anything ever happened to them.. if I was in a situation to protect my children from harm .. would I be strong enough? I also wanted to cherrish every moment with them and not take anything for granted. Of course, memories fade and thoughts come and go... but since that day when I still have my moments of doubt as to whether I can change.. I remember holding my babies and promising to be the best I can be for them.