No rest for the determined :) (until tomorrow)

Yes.. I know I ran a long way yesterday.. and I know some think I should have rested, slept in, taken it easy, and eaten a few donuts this morning..

I realized yesterday that the reason I felt so much stronger at the end of the run yesterday HAD to be because I have been lifting weights. Last year after the run I was literally exhausted.. "i will NEVER do that again" and I couldnt wait to sit down... .. but yesterday.. yeah I was tired... but I was planning on walking a mile and a quarter home after I finished the 13... so i had energy left :)

So.. I am dedicated to lifting weights, because what it does for me :)

Dont worry.. I still rested my lower body :) I did upper body.. Shawn Phillips style :) .. well.. except I messed it up LOL..
I was to do chest, shoulders triceps.. and I did chest shoulder biceps instead.... and didnt realize it was wrong until my hubby pointed it out to me :) ...

My arms are jello .... and thats a good thing :)

Since my half is over. I am thinking about future goals... possible some of the following:

another half in a race I have to sign up for
giving the full marathon a shot (again) to celebrate my 41st birthday
giving the whole triathelon thing a thought or two...
working on improving my time on shorter distances
I want to have a goal for my birthday in september, one for thanksgiving, and one for christmas.... these will be diet related as well as fitness realated. but I am waiting on the tests to come back before I make the diet changes. Need to see where I am ... but I know for a fact sugar is a demon i must conquer for my health sake.

Thats all for now.. I will be spending the rest of the day enjoying the fact that I lifted :) and feeling great about running that far yesterday. Our trip to Colorado is coming quick.. so i will be getting things in order. popping up the camper, packing clothes, cooking for the trip :) . and all the fun stuff that goes with it :)

"We are different, in essence, from other men. If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon.

Emil Zatopek, Czech runner; winner of four Olympic gold medals:

Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. ~Doug Larson

He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors. ~Chinese Proverb

When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I'll start tomorrow." Tomorrow is disease. ~V.L. Allineare


Josha said…
You're fantastic! What a great day!
JRo said…
Awesome. I think you are right... the weights, and I think the diet, make you stronger!

Laughed SO hard about the green smelling like bacon... hahahaha!

Maybe all of us should meet up and run a half together in Sept or November! ;)

Sugar is the devil.. I will be walking that path too. I have made great leaps this last year, but there is more to conquer!