no run monday

i think i have taken tired to a new level today :)
i had issues with sleeping last night... kept waking up after falling asleep... over and over.. felt like my pulse was high.. not extremely high.. just my normal walking around high and not the go to sleep pulse (hard to explain)

all this to say.. I over slept my alarm woke up at 7.. kids late to track... and myself exhausted.

I am still exhausted... even more so cause i couldnt run this morning..

so... i will try this afternoon.... atleast get in the treadmill if nothing else and try and get some energy back...

tired of feeling tired.......

ready for answers.....


Josha said…
rest is part of training.
Sarah said…
So. With. Ya.

Telling myself that losing a month or two of my life as I get to health answers is not the end of the world. The end of my current mo-jo, maybe, but not the end of the world!