Tried to get a shot of those funky leg muscles i have developed.. Dont think I have had this much def in my lower legs ever.... No fat on those legs... now if i can just get that transferred to my tummy :)

So happy... I went up to 25lbs on chest flies!!!!! this is HUGE for me! ... I haven't done that much since I hurt my shoulder... what...... over a year ago!

working on those burnouts :)
heres what i did:
Chest flies: 12 (10lbs) 12 (15lbs) 12 (20lbs) 6 (25lbs)
Chest Press: on smith machine... 24 (55lbs)
Shoulder press: 12 (8lbs) 12(10lbs) 12 (15lbs) 12 (15lbs)
Shoulder flies: 24 (10lbs)
Bicept curls: 12 (10lbs) 12 (15lbs) 12 (20lbs) 12 (20lbs)
Bicept curls (rotated out) 24 (10lbs)
Tricept extensions: 12 (8lbs) 12(10lbs) 12(15lbs)
(i was "wore out' as we say in West Texas.... so i stopped :)
I have Jello arms.. and I am sooooooo happy. I feel strong!
I feel STRONG!
wooooooo whooo.... there is Victory..... God is sooooo good...
I remember feeling weak, so weak.... like I had lost if forever!..... .. proof that patience and going slowly is worth it! :)

OH. its going to be a GREAT day!
Chest flies: 12 (10lbs) 12 (15lbs) 12 (20lbs) 6 (25lbs)
Chest Press: on smith machine... 24 (55lbs)
Shoulder press: 12 (8lbs) 12(10lbs) 12 (15lbs) 12 (15lbs)
Shoulder flies: 24 (10lbs)
Bicept curls: 12 (10lbs) 12 (15lbs) 12 (20lbs) 12 (20lbs)
Bicept curls (rotated out) 24 (10lbs)
Tricept extensions: 12 (8lbs) 12(10lbs) 12(15lbs)
(i was "wore out' as we say in West Texas.... so i stopped :)
I have Jello arms.. and I am sooooooo happy. I feel strong!
I feel STRONG!
wooooooo whooo.... there is Victory..... God is sooooo good...
I remember feeling weak, so weak.... like I had lost if forever!..... .. proof that patience and going slowly is worth it! :)

OH. its going to be a GREAT day!