I wish I had my camera this morning for the amazing sun rise I saw :)
Why in the world would I choose to sleep through such an amazing sight! wow.
I was up at 530am this morning and running by 605. I did two miles at my fast pace around campus and then came back to track and walked a lap and stretched. Then I walked another lap and decided it was time to go make sure the boys were up for their practice at 7am. I drove home to find the boys up and getting ready :) they woke up all on their own eventhough their daddy was here :)
Back to the track for the boys practice ... they went around campus so I followed along in the back of the pack with a sweet little girl from the team (shes 8) and I also took Su the super dog along with me :) Su was soooooooo happy :)
so thats 2 miles before 630 and then 2 miles between 7 and 730 :) ... 4 miles again! woo whoo..
then I did 5 sets of walking lunges since i missed a leg workout yesterday .... my legs are definately jello :)
What a great way to start the day. I feel energetic, possitive and like today is just going to be a fantastic day!
Here's a few shots of the kids from our internal track meet on Saturday :)
ok.. enough blogging.. gotta a kitchen to finish and some shakes to drink today :)
its gonna be a great day!