Does THIS count as a workout? YIKES! We started painting the inside of my kitchen cabinets yesterday... ... the kids helped out a lot... but I really really wanted to get finished so I decided to stay up late and work on it... I didnt get into bed until almost midnight! (yes this is after waking up yesterday at 530am!)....
I was up at 7am going to walmart to caulk for the kitchen. I worked all day and I am still not done. I still have drawers and two small cabinets to finish...
heres one shot before and two after..
I am so tired and ready to be finished.. but that will have to wait until tomorrow.
Here's something interesting...
today is the first day in a long time that I have had NO green smoothies, today is also the first day in a long time that I ate HORRIBLE the WHOLE day .. well.. with the exception of breakfast. (eggs, toast)........I was off on timing of my meals... waiting longer that 3 hours to eat, and eating things like cheetoes, a potato chicken burrito, a hamburger, chips, a glass of dr pepper, tea, ............. when the kitchen is unable to cook in it puts a bit of a damper in my meals :)
something I should not be surprised by... I felt AWEFUL all day. I was ULTRA tired but I worked anyway... then I ended up with a headache..........One like I use to have allllll the time!
I use to have headaches that would put me in a dark room and that tylenol wouldnt touch!... today it was one of THOSE kind of headaches... but thankgoodness tylenol has helped.
Why do I do this to myself? Why can I not eat like everyone else and feel good? or normal even?
Its like my body has rejected my decisions today. Is it because I am not use to such non-food foods? .. My body is so use to all those fruits and greens I have been getting that when I dont get them it doesnt know how to react?
to guess what? tomorrow I am back to normal. I will run, I will eat like I am use too and I will feel good all day instead of bad. Today was also the first day in a very long time I felt very very fat and mentally down... questions like "why do i even try" and "I should just give up its all just too much work" were on my mind a lot today.....
I need to get my mind around the fact that "I AM WHAT I EAT"... and be content with knowing that. I mean.. EVERYONE else is what they eat too... they just dont know it is what makes them feel bad. The hard part for me is to eat correctly when life is not normal.
I will start my day tomorrow off right TONIGHT by going to be extra early so I will be ready to go for a run at 6am tomorrow.