bowlegged cowpoke

this is me today.. thanks to those walking lunges :) YIKES those make me sore!
I know.. stop staring at me... I look funny when I walk and I groan when I get up or sit down... stop it... its not funny....

I walked a few laps around the track this morning to try and get that soreness out.... then I came home made breakfast for the fam, ironed and cleaned up a bit (in the garage-gym) .. and then lifted weights. Today was upper body.
I did 12. 10. 8. 6 and burnouts on all lifts :) chest, shoulders, tris, bis and back... I was pooped when I was done and it felt GREAT!

now... what am i going to do tomorrow morning when my arms are as sore as my legs today? I will be a cowpoke who can't draw his six shooter. .. yikes! :)

for a bit more of an image of how I feel right now.. checkout this video below.... its pretty close to my swagger :)...


JRo said…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... soooo been there. And now that I am slowing getting back into it.. give me the end of next week and I will be crying as I do all the 'detoxing' over the potty! hahahah! Sooo great. I love it when OTHER people are sore! *evil cackle*
Amy said…
Ouch! But that sore feeling is a good thing....right???