2 miles and OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aurgh!!!!!!!

yeah, I know. how in the world did I slam my fingers in the car? I mean,,, HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?
ran 2 miles at 6 am.... with su
beautiful out... felt great.
left to go wake up the boys about 635
drove us all back to track.
trying to carry my water bottle and keys.. and the car was parked real close to me so i was squeezin through..
and BOOM
I will never forget the image of my fingers stuck in the car door..
try to open the door
find keys
put keys in key hole and unlock
scream again
"mom you ok?" boys ask
UHHU,,, NO,, but yeah,,, scream

yeah that was my morning...
i iced it wrapped... had a sweet nurse whose kids are at track look at it and she wiggled it a
and that made me want to pass out ... so i had to sit down,,,

felt better
went to walmart --- got splints

arent they lovely

well, I shouldnt be surprised i hurt myself......i mean,.........its been what like 6 weeks since something was sick, hurt or injured on my body LOL ,,,,,,I should be use to it,

so instead if runnin 5 miles like i planned.............. it turned out to be
2 miles and OUCH!


Amy said…
Oh my God! That really sucks!! I can't even imagine how much that must have hurt - that's terrible. I hope everyone is taking good care of you and that they feel better very soon. Isn't there always something like that, just when you've gotten your momentum going again? Hang in there.
Josha said…
yeeeeow!!! K slammed mine in the car door in January, but I can't imagine the door being LOCKED and having to die of pain while fishing out the keys (which, by the way, I would have managed to have left on the other side of the car or something) My fingers are still not the same. You are excused from your 5 miles.
JRo said…
Haha, that is SO my life! I have done that so many time I will not admit it! Sorry dude!
EricaH said…
Oh my gosh, I think I would have passed out. Did you get some good pain meds.:) I hope your recovery is quick and with minimal pain. I am still in shock. Feel better