Lookie Lookie what came tonight in the mail! YIPEEEEE!

wooooowhoooo.. :) I soooo happy!

So I get up, get dressed, and go out for a nice BEAUTIFUL run this morning. I get a few miles into the run and as I am watching the sunrise I hear this alarm. YES> an alarm. All of a sudden I wake up and realize I wasn't running at all. I was still in bed! I had slept through my alarm and DHs was waking me up an hour after I was spose to wake up. I have never had a dream I was running before.. well.... besides running away from tornados or aliens LOL,.. so I was pretty disappointed when I woke up.
I knew it was going to be getting hot fast today... which is what I love.. but I love running my long runs at about 545am-8am before it gets up into the mid 80s. So I knew i was going to have to adjust my plans. .. But BOY didnt know what I was in for this morning. Never a dull moment around here.. and of course.. its all my fault for sleepin in .:) >. Lesson learned.
Heres the breakdown:
Wake up get dressed.
go potty
get kids up
take the kids to track
run 2 laps around campus (4 mile total)
walk 2 laps around the track with my sweet friend while the kids are finishing
come home
get on the treadmill (by this time it was already above 80 outside)
do half a mile
get off the treadmill
get the low down from my friend who brought thier dog over for me and cat to puppy sit
iron DHs work clothes
fix breakfast
(now.. at this point I was tempted.. VERY tempted to call it quits. I was alread tired from all that cooking and ironing for cryin out loud LOL)
BUT I recalled a lady who trained for a marathon by splitting her workouts ... she didn't have time to do her long runs all at once.. so she ran half in the morning and half in the evening.. SO.. i decided to go ahead and get it done.. so what there was a bit of housework inbetween right?)
So I get back on the treadmill.
I did 5.5 more miles on the tread.
I have video which i dont have time right now to post.. but will later..
but here are a few pictures :)
If you figure out my time on the last 5.5 miles.. you will see its slow.. but thats ok by me:) I had to walk most of mile 8 and 9... but I am not concerned with time.. I just wanted those miles to add up to 10 :)

Ok.. I am off to sit in a cold bath and then get ready to go out to eat lunch with my DH and friends :) ... I am ssoooooo happy I finished it!
I HAVENT DONE 10 MILES SINCE HURTING MY BACK IN LATE AUGUST! I AM SOOOOOOO HAPPY... (I will admit I almost started crying as I finished the 10th mile... but I didnt want to get the treadmill all messed up... so i stopped :)
blessings to you all!