I wonder. how important is rest? Yesterday i did just that.. I rested. I have been feeling tired .. exhausted really for about 3 or 4 weeks.. always feeling like i need to sleep more in the mornings or take a nap in the afternoon.. neither of which i make time to do..
Yesterday, however.. I took a nap... 3 HOURS!.. I woke up feeling sooo much better! It made me realize that I need more rest... and I need to get on a schedule.. So i will be trying hard to get some extra shut eye this week.. even if i have to take it in nap form :)
no workout yesterday cause it was a rest day :)
On the nutrition side of things.. I am officially one week meat free :) .. I am feeling great! my tummy has been so very happy and i have not missed meat at all :) I can see now that doing this as a more permanent way of life is doable for me. I am not saying I will NEVER eat meat again.. but i can tell you that I dont really miss it :) My taste buds have changed already and i am finding things I use to consider bland are now full of flavor :)
I also wanted to share a new appliance my DH surprised me with ! A new electric Griddle! He got it off amazon.com .. and I have used it atleast twice a day since i have had it! Its so large it cuts my cooking time in half if not more!
Today i am going to use it to saute some veggie for lunch :) mostly i have been using it to cook the family chicken breast or eggs or pancakes :) The kids use it for quesadilla and grilled cheese :)
happy today that i am not sore on my legs.. but i was reminded as to why i stopped working out my legs with weights etc... cause my legs and booty get soooo big so fast!! I can put on lots of muscle quickly there from all those years of playing catcher when i was in highschool :) .. so.. I will be cutting back again on lower legs and focusing on running form drills and stretching.
OK.. gotta go get some schooling done with the kids.. i will be doing my training run at track today unless it rains.. in that case i will be on the treadmill again :)
ok. .. track run was 30 mins... did 2.5 miles... walked a few laps.. but I felt so much better than i did on Saturday!
gotta go.. lunch is on and laundry is piled up!
Yesterday, however.. I took a nap... 3 HOURS!.. I woke up feeling sooo much better! It made me realize that I need more rest... and I need to get on a schedule.. So i will be trying hard to get some extra shut eye this week.. even if i have to take it in nap form :)
no workout yesterday cause it was a rest day :)
On the nutrition side of things.. I am officially one week meat free :) .. I am feeling great! my tummy has been so very happy and i have not missed meat at all :) I can see now that doing this as a more permanent way of life is doable for me. I am not saying I will NEVER eat meat again.. but i can tell you that I dont really miss it :) My taste buds have changed already and i am finding things I use to consider bland are now full of flavor :)
I also wanted to share a new appliance my DH surprised me with ! A new electric Griddle! He got it off amazon.com .. and I have used it atleast twice a day since i have had it! Its so large it cuts my cooking time in half if not more!
happy today that i am not sore on my legs.. but i was reminded as to why i stopped working out my legs with weights etc... cause my legs and booty get soooo big so fast!! I can put on lots of muscle quickly there from all those years of playing catcher when i was in highschool :) .. so.. I will be cutting back again on lower legs and focusing on running form drills and stretching.
OK.. gotta go get some schooling done with the kids.. i will be doing my training run at track today unless it rains.. in that case i will be on the treadmill again :)
ok. .. track run was 30 mins... did 2.5 miles... walked a few laps.. but I felt so much better than i did on Saturday!
gotta go.. lunch is on and laundry is piled up!