its ok to be frustrated right? (UPDATE)

reminding myself its ok to be frustrated.. as long as i get my workouts in :)
more later


got dressed and went for a run.

it wasnt fun

it was hard.

but i did it.

I have been feeling slow and out of shape. I have been wishing I hadnt gained so much weight. I have been dreaming of feeling like i am making progress.

I feel like I am starting completely over!!!

but you know what?

Its ok to start over. Its ok to be frustrated. Its ok to not like where i am. Its ok to have a very hard exhausting run. Its ok to dream of being able to run 8 miles again and not feel as tired as i did after my 2 mile run today. ITS OK>

I am starting over.

I will focus on what i need to do this week.. TODAY.. I will put the blinders on and not think its impossible. I will.. slowly, week by week, make the progress i dream of.


its just a matter of time.

tonight: 30 min workout.. walking up to campus.. running 2 miles in 20:38 and walking home.. exhausted!
now for abs and more stretching.

I am destressed. I am focused. I will, AGAIN, become the athelete i use to be.


Here are two of the songs I listened to as i ran... I will RUN and forget my IF ONLYS and enjoy the moment! I AM LETTING IT GO!!!!


Sarah said…
I'm actually glad to hear you're frustrated. Not glad that you ARE, but I was beginning to feel like something was WRONG with me for not being Suzy Sunshine about getting (seemingly) NOWHERE on my runs this calendar year!

Vann C. posted this yesterday:

"Persistence isn't using the same tactics over and over. That's just annoying. Persistence is having the same goal over and over."

Going back at it one more time is sometimes all we can do. I did read somewhere about a lady that made herself smile while she ran. I may try that!

Some folks have told me about '' -- podcasts on itunes for a set beats-per-minute to keep you running on tempo. That, and some of the motivation podcasts are my current strategies!
Josha said…
You're so great. You tell it like it is and you keep on keepin' on! I do remember thinking that I just wasn't going to be able to run the half last time at about this stage in the training. So, I think frustrated is normal for where we are with this. Love the songs and love the Vann C. quote from Sarah.