green smoothies ROCK
i cant believe how good it tastes


i am so thrilled!

gona have one tomorrow tooo and the next day and the next day :)

mine was spinach, half a banana, 4 strawberries, a bit of blueberries, ice water and a stevia pack

awesome. now to get the Kale in there..


OH.. and my kids like it.. one even came back for 2nds!


JRo said…
Try the kale one leaf at a time.. it is pretty mean! haha! Hey, if you peel and freeze your bananas in halves, they are sweeter and make the smoothie even better! Have fun with your new find! During the summer I get mighty creative! All kinds of greens make their way into my smoothies! WAHOO!
Josha said…
hmmm. looks kind