(in progress)
DH is sick.
upper resp infection.
i have a sore throat and headache :( urgh.

didnt workout to day.. i did this instead:

(eeeooooo.. nasty under the carpet!)
(before the carpet came out... )


Stacey said…
Hope you and your hubby get feeling better fast!
Looks like a great project you have going there! Have fun. I love remodeling.
JRo said…
OOOhhh, want to come over and talk my hubby into getting floors like that here! haha! I like!

hope you get to feeling better. I am sick too, oh well!
JRo said…
Oh, and you are prolly right about the shoes... I just see no point in it at this time in my training. I lost my toe nail (the one nest to the big toe) twice in high school... it never hurt!
Josha said…
well, it was his turn, I guess. bummmmmer. Your house is lookin' all great though!
Anonymous said…
hope you are feeling better! prayin' for healilng!